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Peru Representative vs. Japan Representative (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
World-Renowned Peruvian Cuisine (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
Fusion Cuisine (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
Thoughts on Japan (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
Bento menu for hostage incident (Japanese)
(b. 1962) Japanese restaurant owner and chef in Peru
Discrimination for Nisei doctors
(1928–2016) Daughter of an Issei doctor
Going to camp with the Terminal Island people
(1927-2010) Political Activist
Interned at age fifteen, I saw camp as an adventure
(1927-2010) Political Activist
Incarceration, Deportation, and Lawyers
(1938-2020) Japanese American attorney and civil rights activist
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