Descubra a los Nikkei

Finding out Roosevelt wanted Japan to attack

Looking back right now, I’m finding out right now that Roosevelt at that time told Dutch not to sell oil to the Japanese. And this latest book that came out, a book about…this guy Beverly, made a research, just came out just a couple of years ago, and found out that Roosevelt, being a wise president, wanted to help England. England was almost losing the war, and he said if whole of Europe became Nazi-fied, it’d be a threat to the United States.

At that time, the sentiment for the US to get involved in Europe was very meager, because there was a big isolationist movement - I remember having parades in school, “Don’t get involved in Europe” it was led by Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and the Hearst publications, so I think, 50-60-70% of the people were against getting involved. Roosevelt knew that. And he couldn’t help - overly help England.And according to this book here - he did a lot of research - he says the only way to arouse the people was to get Japan to do something foolish, to egg them on. So he wanted them to…if they attacked the United States - that would arouse the people.

In those days I don’t think anybody considered Japan a military power, they said, oh with their left hand we could take care of them. So according to this book, there was a 8 step plan and he it put it into folks and the final one was oil embargo. And evidently, the higher ups had broken the Japanese code and they knew - in fact it says according to this book - they knew when the fleet was coming into Pearl Harbor. And there was a Russian boat that was going back to Russia and they ordered that boat to go south cause they didn’t want them to accidentally bump into the Japanese fleet. They knew what boats were coming and all that and they didn’t notify the commandants at the Pearl Harbor and when Japan did attack, they didn’t expect her to be that successful. And that’s why Japan was able to go right down to Indonesia and capture the oil fields there. Well I didn’t know all this when I was writing my thesis but all I knew was that there was an oil embargo and Japan gotta get oil.

Franklin D. Roosevelt presidentes Estados Unidos Segunda Guerra Mundial

Fecha: March 25, 2005

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Sojin Kim

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Cedrick Shimo nació en 1919 y creció en un vecindario de Boyle Heights. Fue un activo miembro de Boy Scout, kendo y en Cougars, un club japonés americano de atletismo. Recibió su noticia de alistamiento el día anterior al ataque de Pearl Harbour mientras estaba estudiando Cal Berkeley. Se unió al ejército y se matriculó en la Escuela de Servicio Militar de Inteligencia de Lenguas. Sin embargo, cuando le rechazaron visitar a su madre en el campo de concentración de Manzanar, indignado, rechazó combatir en el extranjero y fue puesto en el Batallón de Ingeniería 1800-un grupo segregado de alemanes, italianos y japoneses americanos considerados sospechosos. Su rol era reparar las rutas, puentes y cercas dañadas causadas por las tropas durante las maniobras de entrenamiento. Tras retirarse con honores del 1800, regresó a Boyle Heights y trabajó hasta convertirse vicepresidente de la división exportación de Honda.

El 20 de noviembre de 2009, Japón lo condecora con la Orden del Sol Naciente, Rayos de Oro y Plata por sus esfuerzos en promover el comercio japonés –estadounidense durante la época de fricción comercial entre ambos países cuando estaba en Honda.

Falleció en abril de 2020, a los 100 años. (abril de 2020)


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(n. 1923) Especialista en pollos


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(1900-1996) La madre de la inmigración Nikkei brasilera

Watanabe,Margarida Tomi

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(1900-1996) La madre de la inmigración Nikkei brasilera


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(n. 1928) Doctor. Ex presidente de Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation


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(n. 1928) Doctor. Ex presidente de Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation


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(n. 1928) Doctor. Ex presidente de Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation


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(n. 1928) Doctor. Ex presidente de Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation


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(n. 1928) Doctor. Ex presidente de Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation