Material contribuído por Bodega45

*Bodega45 ainda não adicionou eventos, não criou coletâneas no Álbum Nikkei, nem contribuiu com artigos para o Descubra Nikkei.

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I am an Australian who won a scholarship to America in 1998 from the Australian War Memorial.
I interviewed 23 Nisei who served in the Pacific War of WWII in their role in ATIS Allied Translator and Interpreter Sector of Military Intelligence Service.
I am writing a book about those wonderful men who helped save Australia and shortened the war.
I would like to contact any descendants of those in that category to add more data to my narrative. Please contact me by my email or my cell phone 0401421945

Interesses sobre os nikkeis

  • histórias comunitárias
  • histórias familiares
  • Miliary Intelligence in WWII

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Projeto do Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation