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This photo was submitted by Jane Shohara Matsumoto (Los Angeles, California, USA) via Yuko Shimizu (Fushimi, Kyoto, Japan), for the 2021 Hinamatsuri Photo Activity, presented in collaboration with the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center and Japanese American National Museum. ***** My friend was a T.A. at UCLA's Japanese Language department when I first met her. After I graduated, we stayed in contact as she continued to work at UCLA and she actually became friends with my entire family, and I also did with hers. She learned many things about Nikkei life, which in many ways, seemed more observant of traditional Japanese customs. One of these was our observance of Hinamatsuri. Upon learning of Discover Nikkei's Hinamatsuri program this year, she sent me a photo of this vintage set belonging to her friend thinking our Nikkei audience may be amazed at how old some personal sets actually are. This one dates back to the Edo period and has stayed in this one family. Sent with permission of Konishi family, Kyoto.

JaneShoharaMatsumoto — Atualizado em Mar 03 2021 2:29 p.m.

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