Exploring My Family "Garden"


I have many uncles on both sides of my family. A large number of them worked (some still work) as gardeners, either full-time with their own routes, or part-time helping their brothers. In addition, many of my cousins were “drafted” as helpers on weekends and during the summer. Luckily, I never was. =)

Recently, while trying to find photos to help out with the Landscaping America: Beyond the Japanese Garden exhibition at the Japanese American National Museum, I came across some old photos that I had never seen before. In trying to find out about those photos, I learned new stories about my father, and many of my uncles.

This collection is mostly about my Dad, but also shares stories about some of my other uncles. I hope you enjoy it, but try checking back. Learning little bits of my family's history has me craving to seek out more, so I may just add new stories in the future. Each story is like a leaf, and discovering each one slowly fills out our “family tree”, giving details needed to see and appreciate it all.

For more stories about my family, check out the article I wrote for Discover Nikkei. A Yonsei’s Reflections…on Unearthing My Family’s Values was written in tribute to my Dad in honor of Father’s Day.

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family history

vkm — Atualizado em Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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