Public input meeting for the Amache National Historic Site
Jun 202310 | ||
10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. |
Simpson United Methodist Church
6001 Wolff St
Arvada, Colorado, 80003
United States
As the National Park Service works toward establishing Amache as a new unit of the national park system, one of the first steps is developing a foundation document. A foundation document identifies a national park unit's core purpose and significance, its most important resources and values, and the key interpretive themes or concepts that tell its unique story. Foundation documents also identify important issues to be addressed in future planning and data collection efforts. The National Park Service welcomes all interested persons to participate in this effort.
Online Comments:
This will be a two-part meeting. During the first 30 minutes NPS staff will present background information on the development of the park's Foundation Document. The remaining time will be managed as an open house, NPS planners and park staff will be available to answer questions and take your comments and recommendations on the content of the Foundation Document and ideas on the park's future management.
mhomma . Atualizado em Abr 06, 2023 9:08 p.m.