Kokoro Dance at the 2022 Vancouver International Dance Festival

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Performing Arts

Mar 20224 Mar 20225

Vancouver Playhouse
600 Hamilton Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 2P1

Kokoro Dance 
Vancouver Playhouse

Kokoro Dance contemplates transience and imperfection in Wabi-Sabi, a duet choreographed and performed by Kokoro Dance directors, Barbara Bourget, and Jay Hirabayashi. Performances take place at 8pm, March 4 & 5 at the Vancouver Playhouse.

The choreography in these WABI-SABI performances consists of a structured score within which Barbara and Jay have the freedom to improvise. Each performance will be unique. The music, by Joseph Hirabayashi, lighting by Gerald King, costumes by Tsuneko Kokubo, and projected photography by Jay Hirabayashi, were conceived independently from the choreography. Each collaborator intuitively understands Kokoro Dance’s aesthetic choices through decades of working together on Kokoro’s creative projects.

Tickets: $35-$50



Masaji . Atualizado em Fev 13, 2022 9:40 a.m.


Março 2022


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