The Silicon Valley Asian American Pacific Film Festival

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Film & Other Media

Nov 20192 Nov 20193

CinéArts @ Santana Row
3088 Olsen Dr
San Jose, California, 95128
United States

The Silicon Valley Asian American Pacific Film Festival provides a platform for the artistry of story telling of the Asian and Pacific Islander through the lens of the American experience, the imaginable and the unimaginable connecting our lives and communities through written words, song and performance.

This year's SVAP FilmFest will be held on November 1-3 at CineArts Theater in Santana Row (San Jose)

For the Schedule of films, go to:

Use code jamsj2019 and receive 20% off your ticket order



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JAMsj . Atualizado em Nov 01, 2019 6:12 p.m.


Novembro 2019


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