The Words We Hold

  • en

Dez 20181
2:00p.m. - 4:30p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States


Stories of World War II, hailing from both sides of the Pacific, paint a picture of how Japanese and Japanese American ancestors experienced everyday life during those treacherous times.

Yonsei Nicole Cherry and Kristen Hayashi, and shin-Nikkei Ayumi Nagata and Natsumi Shibata will share personal family stories passed down through generations. In a discussion moderated by Diana Tsuchida, the panelists will explore the ideas of missing home and family, the fear of the unknown, the commonality of not talking about the war experience, and what it was like uncovering family histories.

This program is free, but RSVPs are recommended using the link below.

Presented with Go For Broke National Education Center (GFBNEC).
In the Tateuchi Democracy Forum

Check for updates.


JANM . Atualizado em Nov 26, 2018 4:05 p.m.

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