Remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki: From Despair to Hope

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Community Event

Ago 20179

Japanese American Historical Plaza
Portland, Oregon, 97209
United States

Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki: From Despair to Hope
Wednesday, August 9, 6pm
at the Japanese American Historical Plaza

Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility presents this memorial event to honor the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, highlight the current state of nuclear weapons, and provide opportunities for those present to get more involved and to take action for a world liberated from the dangers of nuclear weapons. Featuring human rights activist and writer Polo Catalani as emcee and musical performance by Portland Taiko.

Immediately following the event, the University of Oregon Portland campus is hosting a nuclear weapons-themed art exhibition and butoh dance performance led by artist and performer Yukio Kawano.



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Oregon_Nikkei . Atualizado em Jul 20, 2017 2:44 p.m.


Agosto 2017


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