Imagine Little Tokyo: Short Story Contest
Ago 201311 | — | Jan 201431 |
Little Tokyo
Los Angeles, California
United States
Write a story about Little Tokyo and get a prize!
- The story must be original, fictional, written in English by the submitting author and never been published (even online).
- The setting of the story should be in Little Tokyo – either past, present or future.
- Submitted manuscript should be 2,500 words or less and have a title.
- Submissions need to be e-mailed by January 31, 2014, 12 midnight PST. NO EXCEPTIONS.
First Place: $1,000 cash prize
Second Place: $500 cash prize
Selection will be judged on storytelling ability and best use of Little Tokyo as a cultural setting. The identity of the three final judges will be announced at a later date.
Please visit our website and follow the guidelines to submit your essay.
lthistory . Atualizado em Set 24, 2013 4:54 p.m.