MANGA Kids Day Camp

  • en

Jul 20138 Jul 201312
9:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent

Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

Manga Kids Day Camp is a fun-filled week of authentic experiences in Japanese culture, with a special focus on MANGA for ages 9-12. Manga is a very popular genre of illustration in the world of comics, originating in Japan. Through daily workshops, established local artists will share their craft and guide the camp kids to produce their own Manga! The camp will also feature fun games, hands-on activities such as martial arts, brush painting or tea ceremony by community elders and artists. The program will run in English. Lunch is not provided.

For more information, please visit , contact, or call 604 777 7000 ext. 110.


NNMCC . Atualizado em Mai 24, 2013 10:36 a.m.


Julho 2013


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