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Community Event

Mai 201319
1:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Gardena Valley JCI
1964 W 162nd St
Gardena, California, 90247
United States


Come celebrate Children’s Day (Kodomo no hi ) on Sunday, May 19th from 1-4pm in the JCI Hall!  “Chibi-M” otherwise known as Chibi-Matsuri will be organized by UCLA Nikkei Student Union (NSU) and co-hosted by various Japanese/Japanese American student cultural organizations in Southern California. We will have various fun activity booths as well as exciting performances for everyone to enjoy!  There’s even a chance to win a cool prize! This event is free to the public.

For more info, please call Erina Tashiro at (310) 291-0199.


GVJCI . Atualizado em Abr 22, 2013 12:36 p.m.

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