Lecture & Book Signing -- Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens: Mediating Memories Then and Now
Mai 20123 | ||
6:30a.m. |
The Ohio State University
Room 100 Mendenhall Lab
125 South Oval Mall
Columbus, Ohio, 53210
United States
The Ohio State University, Department of Anthropology
9th Annual Paul H. and Erika Bourguignon Lecture in Art and Anthropology
Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens: Mediating Memories Then and Now
Lane Hirabayashi, professor, UCLA Asian American Studies, and author of Japanese-American Resettlement through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the WRA's Photographic Section, 1943-1945
Hikaru Carl Iwasaki, War Relocation Authority (WRA) Photographer
Lane Hirabayashi, together with photographer Hikaru Carl Iwasaki look at the experience of Japanese American resettlement through the filter of the War Relocation Authority (WRA)'s 17,000 photos of Americans of Japanese ancestry who spent World War II in prison camps.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
6:30 – 7:30 pm Lecture
7:30 pm Book Signing and Reception
Room 100 Mendenhall Lab
125 South Oval Mall
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
The event is free and open to the public.
RSVP required to Wayne Miller at miller.1044@osu.edu
yn . Atualizado em Abr 11, 2012 8:52 a.m.