Lecture/Discussion: Asian Americans in the American Spy Service in Asia

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Jan 201112
6:00p.m. - 7:30p.m.

Portland State University
Smith Student Union 327/8
Portland, Oregon, 97207
United States

Portland State University's Center for Japanese Studies presents

Asian Americans in the American Spy Service in Asia
By Brian Hayashi, Professor, Kyoto University

How did Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Americans affect the larger political& developments in East Asia during and after World War II? Given their small numerical presence in the United States and the fact that they were distrusted by federal government officials blinded by anti-Asian stereotypes, one would expect a little, if any impact on the larger picture of the imposition of the American order on East Asia during and after World Wa II. However, through an analysis of dozens of Asian American spies, working for the Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of the CIA today), a very different picture emerges. Asian Americans played a significant role in shaping the type of democracy that did and did not take root in East Asia through their service in the United States' first centralized intelligence agency as spies, interpreters, propaganda writers, and guerrilla warfare specialists.

Sponsored by Verne and Aki Naito of Made in Oregon Stores

Portland State University
Center for Japanese Studies
311 East Hall
P.O. BOX 751
Portland, OR 97207
Phone: 503-725-8577
E-mail: cjs@pdx.edu



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