Información enviada por katsuohiguchi

Nikkei Chronicles #6—Itadakimasu 2! Another Taste of Nikkei Culture

A Precious … and Delicious Legacy

Katsuo Higuchi

The life of Ms. Aiko, a pleasant and hyperactive obatiam who, to this day, at age 96, provides a lesson in vigor and joy of living, would serve very well as inspiration for a book. She was even the subject of a brief article in this newspaper last July, in …

I went to Japan when I was 6 years old, studied and graduated. Today I am a Japanese citizen

Katsuo Higuchi

The story of Clayyton, Sansei, now 28 years old, is yet another example of young Brazilians who left Brazil in the 80s and 90s, heading to the Japanese archipelago in hopes of a better life. Unlike their grandparents who arrived in our country at the beginning of the 20th century, …

Co-Housing, the dream come true for a group of Brazilian Nikkei

Katsuo Higuchi

Nikkeis from São Paulo are able to put into practice a dream cherished by many today, especially those who are close to their long-awaited retirement. Living in a large metropolis, who hasn't thought about living in a pleasant place, away from the hustle and bustle, perhaps in a quiet condominium …

Brazilian families in Japan - The (difficult) fight for integration

Katsuo Higuchi

As a Nisei, I am proud of my origins and I highly value the principles and values ​​I received from my grandparents and my parents, who, despite their simplicity and the painful and humble life they had, transmitted to us valuable concepts about honesty, dedication, discipline. And, admiration for Japanese …

KNOWING HOW TO AGE... is an art

Katsuo Higuchi

AIKO was just six years old when he disembarked with his parents and three other siblings in the Port of Santos (SP), in 1927, from distant Japan. Only his older brother did not accompany them because he was attending college. At that time, it was said in Japan that Brazil …

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KATSUO HIGUCHI, nissei brasileiro, nasceu na cidade de Pompéia, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, mas passou a infância até os seus 12 anos, em Tupã, outra cidade do mesmo Estado.
Há muitos anos vive na Capital, São Paulo, onde formou-se em Direito, casou-se com uma nissei , tem 3 filhos e 2 netas. Praticamente, toda sua vida profissional foi focada na área de Recursos Humanos, onde se especializou em lidar com “pessoas”, sua paixão. Foi executivo, diretor e empresário. Outra paixão que sempre teve foi de “escrever”. Desde jovem colaborava com Jornais da Escola, das Empresas e , algumas vezes, teve a ousadia de enviar matérias para jornais da colônia japonesa de SP, de circulação diária.
Vem colaborando já há algum tempo com o jornal NippoBrasil e, recentemente, teve a satisfação de ser aceito como Colaborador do Discover Nikkei.

Intereses Nikkei

  • historias de comunidades
  • historias familias
  • festivales/matsuri
  • japonesa/comida nikkei
  • Japantowns

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