Basic Information
community | ||
Turnverein Braunfels | ||
sensei | ||
amateur |
Background Information
Group's Mission and Motivation
- amateur performing in Germany
- coporation with Butoh-artists
- looking for collobaration with japanese Taiko groups
- support the organization "China Bear Rescue"
List of Founding Members
Kony Graner
Egon Huebinger-Graner
List of Current Members
Christine Bernecke
Anette Clemo
Monika Becker
Heike Schulz
Elvi von Speicher
Claudia Wagner
Elke Gehle
Michael Leo
Liliana Bulic
Kony Graner
Egon Huebinger-Graner
Description of the group's community - regional, ethnic, social, etc.
Biggest Changes
Describe two of the biggest changes that have characterized the group's development since its founding
- collobaration with sports club
- included swardplay and japanese dance into our performance
Performances, Recordings, Publications
List a selection of your regular performance venues (for example, Denver Sakura Matsuri, Seabrook obon, business conventions, Manzanar Pilgrimage, Maui Marathon, etc.)
Openings of cultur festival in Wetzlar
parade of national cultures in Frankfurt
Middel age and knight festival in Braunfels und Kronberg
Instructors, Teachers & Mentors
List the instructors, teachers and mentors who have worked with the ensemble.
Kony Graner
Ulla Hillebrecht