2021 Natsumatsuri Virtual Family Festival
Ago 202114 |
Celebrate the summer with us in this virtual festival featuring Japanese and Japanese American performances, crafts, and activities for all ages!
- Crafts: stylish paper sunhats, colorful and fun windsock, origami yukata
- Unboxed video diving into JANM’s incredible photo collection of JA life as it explores summer food, fun, and festivals.
- Send in your Nikkei matsuri (festival) photos to Discover Nikkei now through August 22 to participate in a community photo activity.
DETAILS HERE - JANM Members: RSVP now for the Members Only virtual conversation about A Life in Pieces: The Diary and Letters of Stanley Hayami on August 14. RSVP HERE
New videos and virtual activities will premiere on Youtube.com/JANMdotorg at 11 a.m. (PDT) on Saturday, August 14. See our website for a full schedule of activities: janm.org/natsumatsuri2021
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Celebrate with us on social media @jamuseum [FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM]! Use the hashtag #NatsumatsuriAtJANM on social media to share how you’re celebrating with us at the museum or from home!
JANM . Última actualización Ago 02, 2021 11:10 p.m.