“Henry’s Glasses” and “Ishizue; fusion of the hearts”

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Film & Other Media

Feb 201119

National Nikkei Museum & Heritage Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

Japanese Canadian National Museum presents a double-bill film screening
“Henry’s Glasses” and “Ishizue; fusion of the hearts


Henry’s Glasses
Directed by Brendan Uegama
2010, 20 minutes
In a Japanese-Canadian internment camp a young boy must use the power of his imagination to escape reality and help his elderly new friend. The director Brendan Uegama and some of the cast will be in attendance.


Ishizue; fusion of the hearts
Directed by Linda Ohama
2010, 20 minutes
Ishizue features 13 young Vancouver Chibi Taiko players who traveled to Japan, most for the first time, and practised taiko with a traditional Japanese group in Onomichi, Hiroshima-ken---and experienced connecting with their cultural roots.

Join us for a Q & A session after the screenings. Refreshments will be served.


NNMCC . Última actualización Ene 25, 2011 12:37 p.m.

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