sawtelle japantown forum

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Community Event

Ene 201129

west los angeles
2003 corinth av
los angeles, California, 90025
United States

From 2 to 4 pm, Saturday, January 29, 2011, the Sawtelle Stories Forum IV is scheduled for the Social Hall, West Los Angeles Buddhist Temple.  The focus of panel discussions shall be the Sawtelle JapanTown resettlement of the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.  Redlined West Los Angeles precluded Nikkei from owning real property in Bel Air, Brentwood and Westwood which caused Nikkei to gravitate to the Sawtelle ghetto immediately after WWII.  The role of the hostels and boarding houses in Sawtelle shall be explored.

Free admission.  Ample parking available.


huzi . Última actualización Ene 07, 2011 9:21 p.m.


enero 2011


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