Jack Iwata Collection

Jack Iwata Collection

Jack Iwata - "Queen of Manzanar"
This is one of the few pictures that has a formal title. Pictured here is Margie Midori Shimizu Hirashima, the Queen of Manzanar. Her crown was handmade.
1 b&w; image of Margie Midori Shimizu Hirashimal in a white dress sitting on a stool wearing a handmade crown that says: "Queen of Manzanar".
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
Manzanar, Calif., ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Basketball Game
The people at camp also organized themselves into basketball teams. In fact, basketball is still very popular among Japanese American youth and adults today. This picture shows one of the ways that the prisoners tried to have some fun.
Photo of 6 boys playing basketball. They are wearing basketball uniforms (top and bottom). One is the act of shooting the ball. Other players looking on. Barracks and mountain in the background.
Manzanar, Calif., c. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata -"Teacher and students in Japanese National Grammar School at Tule Lake concentration camp, Newell, CA, ca.1942-1945" (Jack Iwata-"Teacher and students in Japanese National Grammer School at Tule Lake concentration camp, Newell, CA, ca.1942-19…
This educator was probably one of those that were arrested immediately after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
1 copy negative : b&w; | Rear view of Japanese language classroom as teacher points to blackboard of a Japanese national grammer school (Kokumin Gakko) at Tule Lake concentration camp, Newell, California, ca. 1942-1945. Japanese kanji written on board. Male teacher in white and eyeglasses stands at small wooden table at front of class facing students who sit at wooden desks with backs to viewer.
One of the eight kokumin gakko, Japaneses national grammar schools in the camp. Japanese national grammar schools existed only in Tule Lake.
copy negative
Neg Type: 120.00 mm
Newell, Calif., 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Doctor
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the United States government immediately began to round up "potentially dangerous" Japanese Americans, those with active leadership roles within the Japanese American community. Included in this group were educators, church leaders and doctors. Here, one of those doctors examines a camp patient.
Photo of a doctor and 4 girls. The doctor is treating one girl who is sitting down. The other 3 girls standing arouond him and observing.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1944
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - "Aerial perspective of crowd boarding buses in front of Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles, CA, 1942"
Here, at the old Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple in Little Tokyo, people wait to board the buses during their forced removal and incarceration. These buses took them to their respective concentration camps, where most of them remained until the end of World War II.
1 negative : b&w; | Bird's eye view of Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple with crowd and autos in front. (4 negatives)
Jack Iwata photograph, 1942. Bird's eye view of the Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, currently the Museum's Historic Building, as Japanese Americans are subjected to forced removal and incarceration.
copy negative
Neg Type: 120.00 mm
Los Angeles, Calif., ca. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Fire in Tule Lake
This fire at the Tule Lake social hall broke out on New Year's Eve, 1945. There was no cause found. Barracks are visible on both sides of the hall.
Photo of the Tule Lake social hall on fire from a distance. It is in the center of the picture but at a distance. Looking down at the burning building on either side of it are rows of barracks. Some people are running and some just watching.
On New Year's Eve of 1945, a fire broke out at the social hall at Tule Lake. No cause was found. December 1945
copy negative
Newell, Calif., December 31, 1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Back to Japan
This is the group of people from Tule Lake that chose to return to Japan after World War II ended. Here, they waited inside the social hall until they could get their registration papers that would allow them to board the boat back to Japan.
Group of people gathered in a large room waiting, sitting on benches. Most are wearing overcoats, jackets.
The people who are waiting for registration to go back to Japan by boat after the war. The hall in the Tule Lake Camp.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., November 1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Women Tending Garden
Many families had family gardens at the concentration camps in the United States. Here in Manzanar, two women tend to their garden. In the background, you can see the Sierra Mountains.
1 b&w; image of 3 women tending to a large field. 2, L & C, are using hoes. One on L is in skirt and floral patterned sweater. One in C is in dark monochromatic skirt and blouse. The one on R is kneeling along the rows; she is in a short sleeve white blouse and skirt. Flowers blooming on some of plants to L. In background. camp barracks on the R. Sierra Mountains in distant background.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
Manzanar, Calif., 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Unloading Mattresses
When the incarcerated Japanese Americans arrived at their respective camps, many found towns that were either unfinished or poorly put together. This picture shows workers unloading the matresses that the prisoners were to sleep on. So, as you can see, the beds were not ready when the prisoners got off the trains.
1 b&w; image taken at an unspecified California concentration camp. Exterior shot of 6 men unloading mattresses and spring frames from truck. Another truck behind them loaded with boxes. Mountains in the background.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
California, ca. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Building Barracks in Manzanar
This is another example of how the camps were unprepared for the arrival of the prisoners. In this picture, they are still building the actual barracks in Manzanar.
1 b&w; image taken at Manzanar concentration camp in California. Exterior shot of a barrack being built. Outside framework and walls are up, roof is missing. 2 men are working inside barrack. 4 men are looking at work from outside. Sign in front of barrack reads: Blk 1, Bldg 1.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
Manzanar, Calif., ca. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Blankets
It is probable that the goods required by the prisoners were shipped to the camps in bulk. This picture of the piles and piles of blankets suggests this. Although it is unclear from the photograph which camp these were people were at, the winters were cold and windy in most of the camps, and the people would have needed to be warm.
1 b&w; image taken at an unspecified California concentration camp. Interior shot of 8 males, some teenage boys, carrying bundles of wool blankets. Behind them are bundles of blankets that are stacked to the rafters.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
California, ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Arriving in Manzanar
Jack Iwata captured this family's incarceration experience. This was the moment they arrived in Manzanar. As you can see, they only carried one suitcase for their five-person family.
1 b&w; image of people waiting with their belongings out in the desert as they arrive at Manzanar concentration camp, California. Center, a family gathers around their luggage: man, woman, and 3 children. Two sit on suitcases, while the third child, Michi (Tatsui) Tanioka, stands on a suitcase. Open dirt area surrounded by desert. Other people with their luggage and packages are visible in the foreground and background. Wooden structures in the background, car parked near it.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
Manzanar, Calif., ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Mochi Tsuki
Traditionally, mochi is made right before the New Year celebrations, and is eaten during these celebrations. (Mochi is a pounded Japanese rice cake.) Here, the women at an unspecified concentration camp participate in "Mochi Tsuki," or making mochi.
1 b&w; image of mochitsuki taken at an unspecified California concentration camp. Interior of large room, women wearing aprons and with their hair tied back are working along a long table. They are rolling mochi. Finished mochi are lined up on the tables along the walls and on the tables to the R.
H: 7 3/4 in, W: 9 1/2 in
California, ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Dance in Manzanar
The people in camp organized themselves in ways other than through sports teams and leagues. This school dance picture is a result of the organization of a school system.
1 b&w; interior scene of a dance. Couples of young adults dancing in a room while others sit on the side looking on. Streamers decorate the ceiling. Background to the R hangs an American flag.
H: 19.68 cm, W: 9 1/2 in
California, ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Baseball
To pass the time in camp, people organized themselves into various sports teams, most commonly baseball, softball and basketball teams. In this picture, the team is posed behind a pile of gloves and bats. The barracks are clearly visible behind them, reminding us of the grim reality of their situation.
1 b&w; image of 14 men all wearing baseball caps posing behind a pile of baseball gloves and bats. Background are barracks. Inscription on back in Japanese.
H: 4 3/4 in, W: 6 3/4 in
Manzanar, Calif., 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Union Meeting
This union meeting took place inside of a barrack at the concentration camp in Tule Lake. This picture shows the "Chairman" and the "Board of Directors." [It is not clear from the photograph what this union did or why it was meeting.]
1 copy negative : b&w.; | Group of about 6 men seated in a row at a picnic type table and benches on left ; placard in front of second man on left reads "Board of Director" ; placard in front of fifth man from left reads "Chairman." Photo taken inside a barrack. One man is standing to the right of the photo near a microphone. Behind him are 2 men seated at a table and bench facing the camera.
Meeting - unions
copy negative
Neg Type: 120.00 mm
Newell, Calif., ca. 1942-1945
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Photo Developing Room
This is also a scene that Jack would have been familiar with. He probably would have needed a place to develop his film. And, we're glad he had this place. It is what allows us to now view his work!
Photo of 2 boys in a photo developing room. One boy is holding a photograph he probably just devloped. 2nd boy standing behind him lookin on. Both boys are wearing aprons.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Graduation Ceremony
This is a picture of a graduation ceremony in Tule Lake. The graduates are facing the stage, while a few of them sit on stage. There is a Buddhist priest on stage, as well as a man in a suit speaking at the podium.
Photo of a graduation ceremony facing the stage. Left and right side of photo are backview of graduates in their cap and gowns. On the stage is a podium with a gentleman standing behind it. Also on stage are people seated and more graduate students in cap and gowns standing behind them. One of the persons seated is a Buddhist minister wearing a minister's robe.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Robert Loss
Here, a man by the name of Robert Loss looks out at the Tule Lake concentration camp. Beyond Loss, you can see almost the entire camp.
Photo of Robert Loss looking out to a wide flat land. Buildings can be seen in the far distance. His figure is in the shadow.
Mr. Robert Loss was born in Yokohama, grew up in Sendai. He was a member of the reporter.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Christmas Party
People in camp did celebrate holidays and special events. Once, a Sears truck arrived in Manzanar with a truck load of toys and gifts.
This Tule Lake Christmas party took place indoors. And, from the looks of it, the party was not held in a barrack. You can see that they even have a Christmas tree, as well as some other holiday decorations.
Group of people, mostly women, gathered in a room. One woman is standing handing an object to a man who is also standing and reaching over to take the object.
Christmas party at the Internees' Property Office with the warehouse staff.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - In Front of Evacuee Property Office
This group of 11 people posed outside of the Tule Lake Evacuee Property Office. It must have been during the winter, for there is snow on the ground. Jack is the person second from right.
Group photo of 11 people standing in front of a barrack with a sign posted outside. Sign reads:"Evacuee Property Office". Some snow appears on the ground.
Right before the camp was closed, in front of the Evacuee Property Office. Second from right is Jack Iwata.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Photo Shoot
Being a photographer, this is a scene that Jack Iwata probably saw often. Here, a young woman poses for her picture in a Tule Lake photo studio.
Behind the scene photo of a photographer preparing to shoot a portrait of a young girl in a photo studio. Lights and camera all aimed on her. Young girl is posed sitting down. A potted plant to her side. Background is bare.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Mimeograph Machine
This man in Tule Lake is running off copies of the camp newspaper, "Newell Star". He used a mimeograph machine.
Photo of young man operating a mimeograph machine. He is running off copies of the camp newspaper, "Newell Star".
In camp, a newspaper called the "Newell Star" was published. It was a mimeographed Japanese-English daily.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Tule Lake Orchestra
An orchestra was yet another way for people to get involved in their community during camp. Perhaps this orchestra played at the dance in the previous slide!
Photo of young people in an orchestra. Front row, right, four girls are holding violins; front row, left are boys holding a saxophone and a banjo. In the center of the front row is the conductor, a man, holding a baton. 2nd row only faces of the group can be seen.
It was so cold that my shutter of camera was shaken.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Pushing Bread Carts
Many prisoners worked in the mess halls, performing various tasks, such as cooking, cleaning or washing dishes. This picture features two men pushing large bread carts, probably in the kitchen. I wonder whether this large quantity of bread was meant to feed everybody at the camp, or if there was more bread outside of the boundaries of this picture.
Photo of 2 men pushing large carts of bread.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Vaccinations
After World War II was over, the prisoners who chose to return to Japan had to get vaccinations. This is a picture of the vaccination process at Tule Lake.
Group of people gathered in a room. They are being vaccinated. One man in the center of photo bending over a child and giving him an injection. A young girl stands beside him assisting. Also in lower right corner of photo can see children crying.
The shots for the people who are going back to Japan after the war.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Coal Delivery
Coal was delivered to the camps, to be used in the home or in the kitchen. Here, a crane lifts the coal off of the train and puts it into the back of a truck.
Large crane transporting coal from a railroad to the back of trucks. To the left side of the railroad track a tractor.
The coal delivery. The coal was delivered and used in each home or kitchen.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Girl Studying
This girl is probably in high school, studying for some sort of exam. Although this picture looks like a normal girl in a normal academic environment, we must not forget that she is in fact a prisoner in a concentration camp.
Photo of a young Japanese girl sitting at a table reading a magazine. Behind her a calendar on the wall.
This Japanese lady was expecting to enter the university on the East Coast. There were some Japanese not deported to Japan, but stayed in the U.S. to continue to study.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Fashion Show
Often times, prisoners at camp would put on musical productions, plays or talent shows. Here, girls at the Tule Lake concentration camp put on a fashion show!
3 girls on a stage dressed in long dresses. Behind the girls are 2 white cylinders. Behind that is the curtain.
The Fashion Show.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - Job Information Center
Japanese Americans at concentration camps did work. For example, many worked in the mess halls, cooking food or cleaning tables. This is a picture of the job information center at Tule Lake. It is inside a barrack.
Group of people sitting on benches with tables. Rear view photo due their back is to the camera. It is inside a large barrack.
The job information center was opened for the people who are leaving the camp.
copy negative
Newell, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A Kitchen at Manzanar (Food (Jack Iwata - A Kitchen at Manzanar))
This is another way in which the prisoners at camp could work at the mess halls. These two men cooked food in bulk amounts in order to feed their entire block. Each block had a kitchen.
One major change of camp life was the fact that meal preparation and service were now communal activities largely out of women's control. This picture shows two men cooking in a kitchen at Manzanar. Meals in the camp were not very satisfactory, as they were poorly planned and cooked. Nakano notes that “a lack of understanding on the part of the [camp] administrators… is revealed in their failure to enlist women as head cooks. With their experience of having cooked for work gangs or their extended families, [the women] commanded more knowledge and skill about the myriad needs of cookery” (Nakano 144). Women, Issei or Nisei alike, served largely supplementary roles in mess halls.
Photo of 2 men in a kitchen preparing food. One man is pouring some food out of one bowl into a pan.
One of the many kitchens at the Manzanar War Relocation Center. Relocation centers, commonly called "Camps" were divided into blocks and each block had a kitchen. Circa 1942.
copy negative
Manzanar, Calif., c. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

Jack Iwata - A List of Camp Rules
These rules were posted at Manzanar, and were expected to be abided by. One of the rules reads, "Gates open between 8am to 6pm. Warning: 7pm to 7am (night) closed by Military Police." Others read, "Stay within signs of limited area," and "Do not dig flower plants."
1 b&w; image of white wooden sign listing rules to observe in camp.
H: 9 1/2 in, W: 7 3/4 in
Manzanar, Calif., ca. 1942
Gift of Jack and Peggy Iwata
Jack Iwata Collection
To see other collections:
Japanese American National Museum Collections Online
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)
Jack Iwata was born in Seattle, Washington, but grew up in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. He returned to the United States when he was 16 years old, and attended Whittier College in Whittier, California.
Jack began to work with famous photographer, Toyo Miyatake, in 1937. He continued to work with him during World War II, throughout their time together at the Manzanar concentration camp, as well as after they left the camps.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1942, Jack and his wife were forced to evacuate their home, and they were placed at the concentration camp in Manzanar, California. There, Jack continued to photograph people and places, and thus documented the activities of everyday camp life. It is because of Jack's photographs of Manzanar, and later of the Tule Lake concentration camp, that we have a glimpse into the life of a Japanese American person during World War II.
This collection features a selection of Jack's photographs from Manzanar and from Tule Lake. They showcase activities such as talent shows, mochi tsuki (making mochi), graduation ceremonies, group meetings and more. This collection shows the reality that was Manzanar, the reality that was Tule Lake. Please browse, read, reflect and remember. To see the rest of Jack Iwata's photographs, plese visit The Japanese American National Museum Web site.
Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum hnrc@janm.org
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