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Not fully understanding parents' World War II incarceration while growing up
(b. 1946) Lawyer
An emotional response from mother upon talking about incarceration experience
(b. 1946) Lawyer
Role of the redress movement in helping Nisei to open up about their wartime experiences
(b. 1946) Lawyer
Not recognizing father after reunion at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher
A child's memories of activities at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher
Thoughts on relationship between Japanese Peruvians and Japanese Americans at Crystal City, Texas
(1937 - 2021) Teacher
Encountering a train full of Japanese Americans being transported to a concentration camp
(b. 1923) Chick sexer
Donating clothes to the Japanese interns (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Interrogation by police (Japanese)
(1900–1996) The mother of Nikkei Brazilian immigration
Concentration camp from a Japanese mother’s point of view (Japanese)
Shin-Issei from Gifu. Recently received U.S. citizenship
Sneaking out of the Hastings Park camp during World War II
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.
Hiding out to avoid the concentration camps (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter
Closing the Japanese school and deportation (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter
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