

Nima desde 2023

Material contribuído por moonwalkinfra

*moonwalkinfra ainda não adicionou eventos, não criou coletâneas no Álbum Nikkei, nem contribuiu com artigos para o Descubra Nikkei.

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Moonwalk Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd is India’s leading pre-engineered building service company. It has been in the business for over two decades and advocates its legacy by ensuring top-notch quality. The company has a team of highly skilled and experienced professionals who use the latest technology and equipment to deliver world-class pre-engineered buildings. Moonwalk Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd has executed many prestigious projects in India and abroad, and its clientele includes some of the biggest names in the industry. The company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident because it has never received a single complaint in all these years. Moonwalk Infraprojects Pvt. Ltd is a name you can trust for all your pre-engineered building needs.

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The Nippon Foundation