2009 Tanabata Festival


What better way to connect to the community than through beautiful craft work? Surprisingly Nisei Week, the Little Tokyo Public Safety Association's Brian Kito, and the Japanese American National Museum all began making Tanabata Decorations for the 2009 year! Though they began as separate, individual projects they came together in a breathtaking array displayed for everyone to see! This event took place in Little Tokyo from August 14-17, 2009. This collection is composed of various shots of decorations from Sendai, Japan; kazari made by various Southern California Japanese American organizations; and decorations made by JANM staff and volunteers. They capture the thriving community spirit as well as the cultural ties to one of Japan's popular holidays. -- Photos courtesy of the Discover Nikkei Team, Nanka Kenjinkai Kyogikai, Richard Fukuhara (2008,2009)

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ylkawashima — Atualizado em Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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