Descubra Nikkei

Wesley Ueunten

Wesley Ueunten (ele, ele, dele) é um Sansei de Okinawa nascido e criado no Havaí. Ele recebeu seu doutorado. em Estudos Étnicos pela UC Berkeley depois de ter vivido em Okinawa e no Japão por quase uma década e é presidente do Departamento de Estudos Asiático-Americanos da San Francisco State University. Nos últimos 25 anos, Ueunten atuou ativamente na comunidade de Okinawa e nipo-americana na Bay Area como membro e dirigente de várias organizações e como estudante, intérprete e professor de música de Okinawa.

Atualizado em janeiro de 2023

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Nikkei in Cuba - Reflections from Three U.S. Nikkei Groups
Nikkei in Cuba - Reflections from Three U.S. Nikkei Groups

2 de Setembro de 2008 • Wesley Ueunten

The term "Nikkei" can be generally translated to mean "of Japanese lineage," but as the years and generations pass since large-scale overseas Japanese emigration started in the late 1800s, determining what Nikkei means has becoming increasingly complicated. For example, many Nikkei are descendants of immigrants who left Japan before World War II; how is their identity different from the post-War immigrants and their descendants? Another point to consider is that a proportionally large number of Nikkei are, in fact, from …

Thumbnail for Aman Nagamiyura: Uchinanchu Diaspora Blues
Aman Nagamiyura: Uchinanchu Diaspora Blues

27 de Março de 2008 • Wesley Ueunten

I was honored to be part of the panel discussion on “Okinawans and their Global Networks” at the Japanese American National Museum on March 1, 2008. The information provided by Professors Hiroyuki Kinjo, Naomi Noiri, and Kentar? Kuwatsuka from the University of the Ryukyus gave me a wider understanding of Okinawans around the world. The heartfelt presentation by my colleague and friend Yuko Yamauchi of the Okinawa Association of America about her experiences in Okinawa also inspired me. Participation on …

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