Descubra Nikkei

Herbert Hideyo Inouye

Herbert Hideyo Inouye nasceu em 14 de novembro de 1928 em La Jara, Colorado. Em 1939, devido à condição médica de sua mãe, a família mudou-se para Los Angeles, CA, mas com a eclosão da guerra, eles evacuaram voluntariamente de volta para o Colorado em fevereiro de 1942. Inouye se formou na Universidade do Colorado em 1950 e serviu na Coreia como parte das forças armadas dos EUA. Em 1991 ele se aposentou após 31 anos trabalhando em uma grande empresa de engenharia/construção. Inouye casou-se com Dorothy Natsuko (Yanaru) em 1953 e eles têm cinco filhos e cinco netos.

Atualizado em outubro de 2008

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Memoirs - Part 4 of 4: Amache and School Days
Memoirs - Part 4 of 4: Amache and School Days

19 de Novembro de 2008 • Herbert Hideyo Inouye

Read Part 3 >>  Visit to Amache In mid-September 1942, after our first harvest was virtually done and before my freshman classes were to begin, I took my mother to visit my sister Helen and her family (Mrs. T. lino, her mother-in-law, Ken lino, her husband, and Glen lino, her son) at the Amache Relocation Camp. We had last seen them in Los Angeles some seven months earlier—seven months seemed like eternity considering all the trials and tribulations that occurred …

Thumbnail for Memoirs - Part 3 of 4: Farming in Colorado
Memoirs - Part 3 of 4: Farming in Colorado

12 de Novembro de 2008 • Herbert Hideyo Inouye

Read Part 2 >> Starting a New Farm Starting a farm operation from scratch in the San Luis Valley is a very difficult task at best. The growing season is short and the crops require extra personal care. Add to this, the time is the middle of February 1942 and all of the established farms are already rented out by this time. Certain vegetables need to be started from seed in hot beds in Mid-March. New equipment and tools need to …

Thumbnail for Memoirs- Part 2 of 4:  Caravan to Colorado
Memoirs- Part 2 of 4: Caravan to Colorado

5 de Novembro de 2008 • Herbert Hideyo Inouye

Read Part 1 >> The Volunteer Migration Around January 14, 1942, a Presidential Proclamation required all Japanese aliens to register and forever carry with them papers that identified them as "enemy aliens." By the end of January 1942, General John De Witt of the 6th Army Area Defense declared all Japanese aliens and their families be rounded up from the "sensitive areas" and incarcerated. The designated "sensitive areas" included San Pedro, San Diego, Long Beach, etc., mostly all sea ports …

Thumbnail for Memoirs - Part 1 of 4: War Breaks Out, Everything Changes
Memoirs - Part 1 of 4: War Breaks Out, Everything Changes

29 de Outubro de 2008 • Herbert Hideyo Inouye

Friends and family have asked me to chronicle my life experiences during World War II. Since I was barely thirteen when Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the Japanese, my remembrances and interactions are limited to an early-teenaged Japanese American growing up in a chaotic, prejudiced, "Japan-hating" society. However, family and friends who shared these experiences with me are rapidly diminishing. For example, one of the more memorable experiences was my family's volunteer evacuation from California to Colorado which was …

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