Bunka no Hi | Japanese Culture Day Festival

  • en
  • ja

Nov 202112 Nov 202114
10:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington
1414 S Weller Street
Seattle, Washington, 98144
United States

Bunka no Hi, or Japanese Culture Day Festival, at the JCCCW is a free cultural festival dedicated to celebrating, commemorating, and educating the public about Japanese and Japanese American culture in the Seattle area. Children, families, and the general public are encouraged to attend this free event! Face masks must be worn while visiting. No appointment necessary.

This year, we will be showcasing traditional crafts from all over Japan. The exhibit will display pottery, lacquerware, textiles, baskets, woodwork, metalware, bamboo and paper products and more. These objects are still made today using centuries-old techniques and are used in everyday life.



We are currently collecting items for the display from our community for this event until Sunday, October 31st. If you own traditional crafts as described above, please consider donating them to the J for the exhibit. Please note, all items donated will be processed through Hosekibako and no items will be returned after the exhibit.


jcccwa . Atualizado em Out 05, 2021 1:20 p.m.


Novembro 2021


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