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Early Childhood
(1914–2015) Nisei YMCA and Japanese American community leader
Adoption Story
(b. 1939) a businesswoman whose family volunterily moved to Salt Lake City in Utah during the war.
Doing chores
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.
Spending time with children
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i
Going back to Hawaii
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.
Clothes of plantation workers
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.
Brother leaves for war, survival
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.
Food growing up
(b.1948) Nikkei from Southern California living in Japan.
Relationship with my father
(b. 1920) Incarcerated during World War II. Active member of the Japanese Canadian community
Arranged marriage
(b.1912) Japanese Canadian Issei. Immigrated with husband to Canada in 1931
Marrying Bob against family’s wishes
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto
Growing up in a Japanese American family
(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan
Death of sister in October 1942
(1915 - 2011) Nisei florist who resettled in New York City after WW II. Active in Japanese American civil rights movement
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