Resilience: Lessons from Japan by Donna Kobayashi

  • en

Mar 201224
4:00p.m. - 5:30p.m.

Regenstein Center
1000 Lake Cook Rd.
Glencoe, Illinois
United States

The Chicago Botanic Garden invites you to join us for a unique afternoon presentation - 
Dealt disaster in March, 2011, the people of Japan reacted with extraordinary dignity and resilience. One year later, we mark those events with a special program about resilience – and how the traditions, teachings, and cultural arts of Japan strengthen the human spirit. Dance, taiko drumming, and garden-inspired lectures are presented by five Japanese and Japanese Americans.

Presenters –
Fujima Shunojo, Founder and Master Teacher of Fujima Ryu of Chicago
    Opening traditional dedicational dance.

Tatsu Aoki, Artistic Director and Executive Producer of Tsukasa Taiko
    Insights into Resilience and Dignity through traditional music.

Calvin Manshio, Attorney and principal of Manshio Law Firm, P.C.
    The Japanese American experience of Resilience and Dignity, through community.

Dennis Makishima, Master Bonsai and Tree Pruner, California
    Resilience and Dignity through nature

Donna Kobayashi, Wellness Consultant and Chicago Botanic Garden Volunteer
     Observing and the experience of Resilience and Dignity in the Japanese Garden.

Special acknowledgement to Dr. Ikka Nakashima for her 25 years of Japanese cultural contribution in Ikebana and Chanayo by the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Please register for this free program at
Usual parking fees apply - $20 per car for nonmembers

The Chicago Botanic Garden is one of the treasures of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.


intrepidmouse . Last modified Mar 24, 2012 2:17 p.m.


March 2012


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