Descubra Nikkei

Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Banco de Dados da Experiência Militar Nipo-Americana

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Joseph Yoshisada (Joe) Mochizuki

Birth date
Local de nascimento
Seattle WA, U.S.A.
1941-7-14, Ft. Lewis WA
Tipo de alistamento
Ramo das Forças Armadas
Tipo de serviço
Tipo de Unidade
Unidades onde serviu
US Army Medical Corp; 442nd regiment, 2nd Battalion, Company G.
Military specialty
Surgical Tech; Machine Gun Squad
Missouri, USA; Italy; France.
Ft. Lewis WA
Unit responsibility
When I was drafted in July 1941, I became a surgical technician assisting in operating rooms. I was trained for combat duty in March 1944. I joined the 442nd in August 1944. Unit's responsibility was combat rifle.
Personal responsibility
Machine gun squad.
Major battles (if served in a war zone)
Italian campaign; French campaign.
Awards, medals, citations (individual or unit)
Unit Citation; Purple Heart Medal
Living conditions
Living conditions were satisfactory as a combat soldier. Slept in fields and mountains or wherever available. Bathed very seldom. Meals were K and C rations. Entertainment consisted of chatting, talking and telling stories.
Most vivid memory of military experience
Seeing soldiers being killed.
Missed most whilst in the military
Some soldiers could be more compassionate, helpful and understanding to make Army a happy place to live, while work is done without neglecting necessary duty.
Most important thing, personally, to come from military experience?
When I entered the Army, the Provost Marshall read the Army Regulation to the recruits. If a soldier broke any rules it could lead to court martial, eg. a raping, killing, stealing, hurting innocent civilian or soldier...etc. During my military life and after discharge, and all my life, I have abided by that law firmly.
Additional information
In the Army, I experienced some remarkable soldier(s) - who were helpful, always smiling and never complained even appreciated there's water available, and even sacrificed their lives to help others. Such experiences helped me all my life. I have said all I want in the above few lines. Oh, I want to add one or two lines more. We should be liberal, cosmopolitan. We should be unbiased because I learned there's good and bad people in every race. I was wounded during European campaign and was hospitalized until war was over.
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