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This is one of four photos submitted by John Nishio for Discover Nikkei’s Nima-kai 2020-2021 Oshogatsu Traditions photo activity.


At 99, my Dad is still fairly healthy and can make mochi as well as he ever did. All his life keeping the family and clan together has been his mission, and mochi tsuki has been the main glue for our family. Mochi tsuki has been my annual responsibility since 2004.

I am now the head of our two clans and am the culture carrier and family historian. I’ve made several videos for the clans showing our family history and our mochi tsuki tradition. I’ll be making a new mochi tsuki video for the family documenting this year’s 2020 mochi tsuki since none of the family could come and gather this year due to COVID.

editor — Última actualización Ene 08 2021 8:27 p.m.

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