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Color silent amateur films by Dave Tatsuno (1913-2006), a businessman in the San Francisco Bay area. Composed largely of home movie clips, taken 1942-1945, of the environment the Japanese Americans lived in during World War II in forced exclusion at the Topaz concentration camp near Delta, Utah.

This segment (01:09) shows small boys sitting on barrack steps and a bench; an unidentified older couple; an unidentified man dressed in white; an unidentified pregnant woman; a man helps a toddler ride a tricycle; a birthday cake with two candles; 2-year-old Rodney Tatsuno sits next to the cake, with his grandfather Shojiro; a birthday card; a cake, "Happy Birthday Mommy"; Alice, with sons Sheldon and Rodney, holds her birthday cake; Alice (?) holds and opens a diary, "The March of Time".

Credits: Dave Tatsuno Collection, Gift of Dave Tatsuno, in Memory of Walter Honderick, Japanese American National Museum (91.74). Preserved and made accessible in part by a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation.

HNRC — Última actualización Ago 23 2012 4:34 p.m.

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