Descubra a los Nikkei

FBI agents came to the house while parents were gone

And so on that Sunday, he had met – he was meeting his Senryu kai at a...Maneki I think, restaurant in Little Tokyo, and so when the FBI agents came, I think it was very early in the morning – was Pearl Harbor, right? – and they – it was only a few hours after, they came to – there were three agents – and they came to ask my dad, and we said, “He’s not here. He’s in Little Tokyo.”

And so two agents came into the house and one of the agents, I remember, had...says, “Okay, you guys.” And he had this gun in his hand. “You sit over there,” and my brother – two my brother – Tosh and Joe and I had all gone to the door to see who was there. And my mother was still at church, so it was the three of us just there, and my older brother, Mike, was – was ill. And he had contracted tuberculosis in Japan when he went a year prior to that. So he was in bed upstairs, and so they said, “Is there anybody else in the house?” and we said, “Yes,” you know, “We – my brother is upstairs.” And they said, “Well, go and get him,” and so it was – Joe was nine, jumped up, and he was gonna go up the stairs, and he said, “No, sit there. Call him.” And so we called Mike, and he came down in his bathrobe, and joined us, and so the four of us were kind of scrunched up together on the – on the couch.

And the – one of the agent sat on this ottoman in front of us with his gun – I don’t know what he thought we were going to do.

California agentes federales Little Tokyo Los Ángeles inspecciones e incautaciones Estados Unidos Segunda Guerra Mundial

Fecha: August 7, 2018

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Sharon Yamato

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Mitsuye Yamada nació en 1923 cuando su madre estaba visitando su familia en Japón. Ella creció en Seattle, Washington hasta la Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando fueron mandados a Minidoka, Idaho. Un voluntario cuáquero la ayudó a salir del campamento al encontrarle un trabajo en Cincinnati, Ohio. Yamada asistió la Universidad de Cincinnati y obtuvo una licenciatura de la Universidad de Nueva York y una maestría de la Universidad de Chicago.

Pudo convertirse en ciudadana estadounidense naturalizada tras la aprobación de la Ley de Inmigración McCarran-Walter y recibió su ciudadanía en 1955.

Escribía constantemente desde que era joven, y su primer libro de poesía, tomado de lo que había escrito en Minidoka, Camp Notes y otros poemas, fue publicado en 1976. Comenzó a enseñar y publicó más libros después de una complicación con su salud cuando tenía 39 años de edad.

Ayudó a crear un grupo de derechos humanos en Irvine, California, que finalmente la llevó a ser elegida para la Junta Directiva de Amnistía Internacional en la década de 1980 y ha estado activa en muchas causas de derechos humanos, especialmente conocida por su activismo por los derechos de mujeres. (agosto 2018)


Su hermana Kiyo fue como una segunda madre para él.

(n. 1942) Japonés peruano encarcelado en Crystal City


Impacto de su padre

(n. 1943) Abogado transgénero japonés-estadounidense