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Our American Journey: Stories from King/Drew Magnet High School Students


The Advances

By Stephanie S.

A few years ago my mom left her birth place so she can migrate to a better place where she can find a job to help out other people. Her name is Marina G. and she was born on December 27 in Puebla, México. She lived in a very poor town where there wasn’t that many jobs for the people who lived there. So later she decided to move to Los Angeles with one of her older cousins. He then would be able to help out my mom here and it would be easier for her to be able to look for a job. She only carried a few things which included only the necessary things and a “tortillero”.

The tortillero maker also known as the “tortillero” is a very much used in México as a tradition. My mom brought her tortillero a long way because she thought it might make her miss her home town less and also a better way for her to remember the way that the tortillas were made over there. The tortillero means a lot to my mom because it would help her to remember her life as a child and so she can be able to keep these memories with her.

She thinks that maybe someday she’ll be able to pass it down to one of her kids since it’s a memory that she brought from her home town. Most people like to have kept safe objects which can represent something to them or it’s just like a memory that they can keep with them throughout their life. To her the tortillero also represents her culture and where she comes from. Since the tortillero is very common in México it can help to tell other people where she comes from and what some of the traditions that she might use. Some of these tortillero can be made out of wood, metal, and even rock. This tool can be helpful to make tortillas.

My mom said that her tortillero is really helpful and significant to her because she is able to make something that can remind her of the times of when she was in México. In her childhood this played an important role in her life. She always remembers that her mom would use the tortillero to make the tortillas since she was living in a very poor place. When she was living over there they didn’t have very much and the majority of the time that would be something they would always have. This type of situation was very much common in her town. So since then that’s why over there in México the tortillero was a helpful tool that had helped them survive through the hunger they had.

Years ago this item was very important to most people in the Mexican culture because it was useful tool so they can always bring some of their old traditions that they used to have to their new place they migrated to. This is also one of the ways that my mom used this and since there wasn’t that much of things that they could bring with them. So now this tortillero is very important to my mom’s culture because most people don’t really keep their traditions going but this helps to keep the Mexican tradition within their family

Today, in the human society there are automatic tortilla makers. There has been a great change in things because of the technology that has advanced. These machines make a very huge difference because the tortillas most people are already used to the old way of making the tortillas but since today the tradition is still kept and it helps them to show their culture and place that they are coming from. So this can help for other people so they can know about other people and how they also used to live in México. Most people can start to get an idea of they were living over there and so now my mom has a better life but she now has something that reminds her of her old town.

Based on this original

The Tortillero
uploaded by kingdrewstories
Left: Stephanie's mother brought a tortillero with her from Mexico to help her remember life as a child Right: Stephanie's mother with her tortillero More »

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