Koji Steven Sakai has written two feature films that have been produced; Haunted Highway and The People I’ve Slept With.
Koji is a graduate from the University of Southern California’s Masters of Professional Writing program. He has held several fellowships, starting with the most recent, which include: The Writers Boot Camp Fellowship (2009), The Producers Guild: Power of Diversity Workshop (2009), Film Independent’s Project: Involve (2007), Visual Communication’s Armed With a Camera (2006), and Screenwriting Expo 4: New Visions Fellowship award (2005).
In addition to his work in film, Koji is a regular contributor to Discover Nikkei (www.discovernikkei.org/en/) and 8Asians (www.8Asians.com). He also contributed a story (Meet Joe) to Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology, the first graphic novel anthology written/drawn/and about Asian Americans. Secret Identities was released by New Press in April of 2009.
Koji is the manager of public programs at the Japanese American National Museum (www.janm.org). He is in charge of the concerts, lectures, workshops, family days, screenings, and other public events.
Nikkei Interests
Craig Ishii, Japanese American Citizens League Pacific
Dec. 16, 2010
Nov. 11, 2010
The People I've Slept With: The Movie
April 15, 2010
What Would You Do?
May 7, 2009
We All Look Alike
April 2, 2009
Feb. 27, 2009
Names & Inaugurations
Jan. 20, 2009
Asian American Poetry & Writing Presents: Creative Writing Classes
I Think My Grandfather Was a Spy
July 10, 2008
I’m a Racist
May 23, 2008