Stuff contributed by kreativitea

How Do Nikkei Living in Japan Spend Their New Year?

Mike Omoto

In Japan, there are old traditions that go back hundreds of years, such as hanami1 in the spring, unagi2 in the summer, or buying a kumade3 in the fall, and of course, osechi4 on new years in the winter. There are newer traditions, such as KFC on Christmas. And, of course, …

A Japanese American in Japan

Mike Omoto

First and foremost, a little about myself. I’m one of those “self proclaimed” fourth-generation Japanese Americans, but as it is, I’m culturally more similar to a second. My father was born in the States, but he grew up in postwar Japan, along with a handful of siblings under the guidance …

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Yonsei living in Japan. Working as Engineering Manager for Google Maps full time, volunteering for Discover Nikkei as a technical consultant.

Member emeritus of organizing committee for Copani San Fransisco 2019, and regular attendee of Copani and Kaigai Nikkeijin Taikai.

Past lives include bio researcher, teaching, consumer science, startup engineering.

Nikkei interests

  • community history
  • family stories
  • festival/matsuri
  • Japanese/Nikkei food
  • Japantowns

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A project of the Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation