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Color silent amateur footage (1940's-early 1950's) taken by Terminal Island resident Ben Fukuzaki, primarily of the fishing industry in and around Fish Harbor, Terminal Island, and San Pedro, California.
This brief segment (00:10) shows footage of the annual Fisherman's Fiesta in San Pedro, California; the fishing boats Veteran and Marsha Ann motoring in the channel; the Marsha Ann carries a banner, "1949", over the wheelhouse, and a vignette of two fishermen in a sailboat with the banner "1900" mounted on her stern.
Credit: Ben Fukuzaki Collection, Gift in Memory of Ben Fukuzaki, Japanese American National Museum (2002.1.1-3). Preserved and made accessible in part by a grant from the National Film Preservation Foundation.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License
HNRC — Last modified Aug 24 2012 1:07 a.m.
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Ben Fukuzaki Collection (2002.1)HNRC |