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TRANSCRIPTION: I think it's political by default, because any time we bring up gender politics, or any time you put a man and a woman in a frame, you're bringing up gender politics. Which immediately raises a million questions. So by default I think that it is. [off camera - "But not by design."] Not necessarily by design. I think I'm really just going out to tell stories, and to talk about human beings. I'm not really going out to raise political awareness about anything. When I was growing up, the women to look up to were like Bikini Kill, and Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Hole, and you know, it was sort of the generation I grew up in, so I always took it as a given that I could make and do anything. So I don't think that it's so much that I'm beating this idea of like, "I'm a girl and I can do whatever I want, damnit." It's more like, "Of course I can do what I want. And I'm gonna now. So watch." So maybe someone of a different generation would see it as a different way. And I've definitely had women of different generations come up to me and view it completely different ways. And that's really fascinating and interesting to me on a feminist level. But for me, the work really was about like, I'm allowed to go out make and do these things, and so I will. It was just sort of a given.

wkberkey — Last modified Mar 30 2011 7:54 p.m.

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