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Teacher who helped with lisp
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Being fair
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Role of Hawaii internationally
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Little interaction with parents
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Politics in ethnic studies
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Center for Japanese American Studies in community
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Involvement with ethnic studies
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Relationship with S.I. Hayakawa
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Past ties to present situation in Middle East
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Testing assumptions of Japanese scholars
(1926 - 2012) Scholar and professor of anthropology. Leader in the establishment of ethnic studies as an academic discipline

Kids working hard
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

First day of school
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Grandmother's influence on decision to go to Japan
(b.1942) Japanese American ceramist, who has lived in Japan for over 30 years.

Training for football by carrying 100-lb bags of grass over mountains
(b.1925) Nisei of Okinawan descent. Had a 38-year career in Japan as a baseball player, coach, scout, and manager.
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