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Grandmother's influence on decision to go to Japan
(b.1942) Japanese American ceramist, who has lived in Japan for over 30 years.

Ethnic diversity
(b.1926) Democratic politician and three-term Governor of Hawai'i

Neighbors' sympathy after Pearl Harbor
(1915 - 2011) Nisei florist who resettled in New York City after WW II. Active in Japanese American civil rights movement

Grandmother convinced his mother to return to Canada
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.

Japanese Canadians get the right to vote in 1949
(b. 1928) Doctor. Former Chair of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation.

Memories of my infancy: Japanese 1, Japanese 2… (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter

Mistreating the Japanese community (Spanish)
(b. 1932-2016) Peruvian painter

Helping soldiers
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Okinawan discrimination
An expert researcher and scholar on Japanese immigrant clothing.

Eisa: Modernity and Tradition (Spanish)
(b. 1974) Director of Ryukyu Matsuri Daiko in Peru
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