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The differences between Japanese women who emigrated from Japan and those who did not (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history

Interest in Japanese migration studies (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history

The identity of Nikkei Canadians seen in the Buddhist Church (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history

Learning from Nikkei (Japanese)
Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history

History of her family's immigration (Spanish)
(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.

Moving to and living in Japan
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan

The reason to stay in Japan after his third year
Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan

Growing up with some Japanese families (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman

The various realities of Nikkei in Latin America (Spanish)
(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman

Avoiding the Japanese military
(1914-2004) Nisei Bonsai master in the United States

Reasons for immigrating to Brazil (Japanese)
Issei, Pioneer of women's education in Brazil

Initial struggles with the language barrier (Japanese)
(b. 1917) Okinawan, Issei Argentinean
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