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The hardships of life in Japan during World War II
(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.
Experiences during World War II
(1918-2004) Interned in Slocan during World War II. Active member of the Japanese Canadian community.
Anti-Japanese sentiment at the time of World War II
(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada
The impact of Pearl Harbor on his family
(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada
Social activities in Tashme
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto
Choice to move east or go to Japan
(b.1920) Japanese Canadian Nisei. Established the Ikenobo Ikebana Society of Toronto
Undergraduate studies interrupted following Pearl Harbor
(b. 1921) Nisei businessman. Established "Made in Oregon" retail stores
Difficulty getting work during World War II
(b. 1921) Nisei businessman. Established "Made in Oregon" retail stores
Difference between experiences of youth and older people in WWII camps
(b.1929) Pioneer medical researcher in tissue transfer and organ transplantation.
Escaping to a small village in the mountains during the World War II (Spanish)
(b. 1937) Professional journalist
Father in camp but learning from history books
Giant Robot co-founder and publisher
Fun at concentration camp
Senshin Buddhist Temple minister and co-founder of Kinnara Taiko.
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