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Peru Shimpo for the Nikkei community (Spanish)
(b. 1937) Professional journalist
Japanese community in Mission
(b. 1922) Canadian Nisei who was unable to return to Canada from Japan until 1952
Taiko as self-expression
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
A “principally-based” taiko group in England creating a global taiko community
Co-founder and creative director of San Jose Taiko
Lack of political power led to camps
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
Redress payments to Issei who did not enter camps
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
State Department records show concern for treatment of Japanese American internees
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
Lack of support from fellow Nikkei lawyers during the war
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
Political motivation to keep the camps open until end of 1944 election
(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist
The Kona Island community
(1923-2011) Lawyer, MIS veteran, founder of Francis and Sarah Sogi Foundation
The importance of Japanese American role models in childhood community
(b. 1955) Lawyer
Recognizing issues of dual identity in the nisei generation
(b. 1955) Lawyer
Heightened awareness of identity as a Japanese American
(b. 1955) Lawyer
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