UCLA Reception/Workshop: Gordon W. Prange Collection
Jan 201022 | ||
2:00p.m. - 5:00p.m. |
405 Hilgard Ave
(21617 Charles E. Young Research Library)
Los Angeles, California, 90024
United States
Announcement: A Reception and Workshop on Gordon W. Prange Collection will be held on Friday, January 22, at the UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library.
In summer 2009 the UCLA Library acquired the Gordon W. Prange Magazine (62,977 fiches) and Newspaper (3,826 reels) Collections, which respectively reproduce 13,783 magazines and 18,047 newspapers and newsletters published in Japan during the Allied occupation from 1945 to 1949. During these years all publications were submitted for pre-publication approval to the occupation’s censors in the Civil Censorship Detachment. The microforms show the complete files—the original publications, often with censor markings, comments and revisions—which gives insight into the censorship process as well as the content of the publication. Generous support has been provided by the UCLA Paul I. and Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies, which funded the purchase of cabinets and a microform reader/scanner as well as for travel grants for the collection.
To celebrate the opening of the Prange Collection microform set at the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library to users and to provide an educational and practical training session on using this extensive collection, the UCLA Library will host a reception and workshop on Friday, January 22. UCLA professors William Marotti, from the history department, and Seiji Lippit, from Asian languages and cultures will share their expectations and experiences using the materials, then Eiko Sakaguchi, curator of the Prange Collection at the University of Maryland, where the original items reside, and Toshie Marra, Japanese studies librarian at UCLA, will provide an overview of the Gordon W. Prange Collection and the microform set as well as hands-on instruction on using its online and print tools available and the microform reader/scanner .
All presentations will be in English. The event will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. in the Research Library Presentation Room and the East Asian Library at UCLA. It is co-sponsored by the UCLA Library and the UCLA Center for Japanese Studies. Guests can attend the reception, the workshop, or both.
Attendance is free, but registration is required by Friday, January 15. Complete the registration form and submit it to Toshie Marra by email at <tmarra@library.ucla.edu > or by fax at 310.206.4960. Parking is available on campus for $10; further information is available at: http://map.ais.ucla.edu/portal/site/UCLA/menuitem.3f8e7342ad4ca217b66d4ab4f848344a/?vgnextoid=1f387ffa3c61c010VgnVCM100000db6643a4RCRD
Sakaguchi holds MAs in librarianship from Melbourne College of Advanced Education and in business information technology from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. She worked as Japanese studies librarian at the University of Melbourne (1986-95) and the Monash University Library (1995-2000). Since 2001 she has been curator of the East Asia Collection and Gordon W. Prange Collection at the University of Maryland, and has coordinated and organized various exhibitions and symposiums related to the collection.
A Reception and Workshop on the Gordon W. Prange Collection
Co-sponsored by the UCLA Library and
the UCLA Paul I. and Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
Friday, January 22, 2–5 p.m.
Charles E. Young Research Library Presentation Room (1st floor)
and the East Asian Library (2nd floor) at UCLA
Registration Form
Submit this form by January 15 to Toshie Marra
at <tmarra@library.ucla.edu > or 310.206.4960.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
Affiliation: _____________________________________________________________
Specialization/Job Title: __________________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Please check which session you would like to attend:
___ Reception: 2-3 p.m.
___ Workshop: 3-5 p.m.
Please check the level that applies to you:
1. Japanese language fluency level: ___ none/ ___ beginner/ ___ intermediate/
___ advanced/ ___ native speaker
2. Academic status: ___ Undergrad/ ___ Graduate/ ___ Faculty / ___ Staff / ___ General public
Research topic(s) of your interest:____________________________________________
If you have any questions or requests for the sessions, please indicate below:
DMo . Last modified Jul 09, 2010 12:13 p.m.