Descubra Nikkei

George Yoshida

George Yoshida está mantendo a realidade em El Cerrito, CA.

Atualizado em dezembro de 2006

Stories from This Author

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Herança Nikkei
Still Swingin'

27 de Dezembro de 2006 • George Yoshida

I had no misgivings about my 65th birthday. But when the day finally arrived, an overpowering feeling gripped me. A voice echoed and re-echoed: "Senior citizen, senior citizen, old, old, retire, retire!" Clearly, I do not feel as if I were a member of the ever-expanding population of the elderly. I still get my kicks "getting down" to funky Motown tunes (Marvin Gaye's "Heard It On The Grapevine" is still a favorite). Forget "In The Mood." Got rid of my …

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