Descubra Nikkei

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu é um psicólogo multicultural japonês/americano e autor especializado em compreender e esclarecer questões de diversidade e identidade em nações, organizações, famílias e indivíduos. Ele é professor consultor na Stanford School of Medicine e no corpo docente do Centro de Estudos Comparativos de Raça e Etnia de Stanford e da Fielding Graduate University. Ele é o autor de When Half is Whole: Multiethnic Asian American Identities (Stanford University Press, 2012) e Synergy, Healing, and Empowerment: Insights from Cultural Diversity (com Richard Katz) (Brush Education, 2012).

Atualizado em janeiro de 2013

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for “I’m not half, I’m whole!”
Crônicas Nikkeis n.º 2—Nikkei+: Histórias sobre Idiomas, Tradições, Gerações & Raças Miscigenadas
“I’m not half, I’m whole!”

24 de Setembro de 2013 • Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

“I hate the word ‘half,’ which is used to designate people like me. I always wanted to be someone who is ‘whole.’” The young man raised his eyes to the evening sky and gazed upon the rising moon. It suddenly struck me that Byron and I were like the moon. As we are called “half,” the moon we were looking at is called a “half moon.” But like the moon, “half” is an illusion; there is much more to the …

Thumbnail for My Transnational, Hapa Identity in Question
My Transnational, Hapa Identity in Question

22 de Fevereiro de 2013 • Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

I like to say that I have a transnational, multicultural, multiethnic identity. I am hapa, haafu, I am both/and, Japanese AND American. But I know that many others still see the world in dichotomies, as either/or, Japanese OR American. I know what I look like. I’ve seen my face in the mirror before. But I forget that others might see me differently than I see myself. And I know who I am. But I am aware that others usually do …

Thumbnail for Hidden Hapa
Hidden Hapa

11 de Fevereiro de 2013 • Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

“Hey, what are you doing over there with the Hapa?” Kathy and I looked over and there were three of our Japanese American friends at another table smiling at us, one with a mischievous grin. Sandy had jokingly pointed out that I was a mixed blood amidst a group of full bloods. Kathy and I smiled back at them and returned to our conversation. But Kathy suddenly surprised me by saying, “Actually, I’m kind of mixed too; my mother is …

Thumbnail for Caring for Transnational Grandparents
Caring for Transnational Grandparents

30 de Janeiro de 2013 • Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu

When I walk in the park near my house in Palo Alto, California some of the elderly Chinese and Indians smile at me and my dogs while others are indifferent or scared. Like many immigrants who come here later in their lives to join children and grandchildren they are spending their last years far from their “home” countries. Their transnational families bring them here hoping that it is the best place for aging and dying. When we realized that she …

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