Descubra Nikkei

Ike Hatchimonji

Ike Hatchimonji é um oficial reformado do serviço estrangeiro dos Estados Unidos que trabalhou com as embaixadas dos EUA no Vietname, na Nicarágua e no Zaire, bem como em Washington DC, na Agência para o Desenvolvimento Internacional. Ele é docente voluntário no Museu Nacional Nipo-Americano há 16 anos. Ele e sua esposa Ruth têm três filhos e seis netos.

Atualizado em fevereiro de 2008

Stories from This Author

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Vozes Nanka Nikkei
Recollections of the Hatchimonji Family

11 de Fevereiro de 2014 • Ike Hatchimonji

My father and mother, Kumezo and Nobue (Komuro) Hatchimonji (originally spelled Hachimonji) were, like so many other immigrants from Japan, two Issei individuals who came to America to start a new life, a new family, and to seek new opportunities. Like their fellow Issei, theirs was not an easy life but with characteristic patience and hope, they succeeded with a legacy of achievement and pride. To describe some of the cultural traits that the Issei generation possessed, certain generalizations can …

Thumbnail for Japan’s Imperial Rescript on Education: How important was it in the Japanese American Experience?
Japan’s Imperial Rescript on Education: How important was it in the Japanese American Experience?

13 de Fevereiro de 2008 • Ike Hatchimonji

Despite its value in teaching the cultural virtues of Japan to the Nisei in pre-WW II America, the Rescript could have been used against them. An important aspect of the upbringing of the Nisei generation in most Nikkei communities before World War II was their training in the Japanese language. Being able to speak and write in the language of their Issei parents and thereby enabling them to communicate with them was necessary. But it was also a part of …

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