Descubra Nikkei

Chopstick Special

He [Larry Shinoda] grew up in Southern California, the hotbed of hot-roding. And he created his Chopstick Special, which was a really, for it’s time, a very fast car. And he actually won the first top-fuel dragster race in Kansas that was held in Kansas, and he was the first titleholder. And it was really neat because I was reading those things in Hot Rod Magazine and things like that growing up. And it was very, you know, it was kind of a neat thing for a Japanese American to see that happening.

I don’t know how old he was at the time, but I remember seeing the photos and it was a, you know, it was a typical teenage look for that period, you know, in the ‘50s. And the Chopstick Special was really a, I think it started out as a streetcar but he had gone through and just heavily modified it. He had our doing in conversion to the flathead engine and it was, I mean, it was maxed out for the time. It was pretty hi-tech, especially for him, you know, basically doing it in his own garage. So it was kind of really, he had a lot of time and energy in it for sure, besides, you know, the money that he spent on it.

automóveis Chopstick Special (carro) design Larry Shinoda veículos motorizados

Data: September 14, 2011

Localização Geográfica: California, US

Entrevistado: Akira Boch

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Depois de graduar-se no Ensino Médio em Anaheim, Ron Kusumi colou grau em Cal Poly Pomona e trabalhou na indústria automotiva por 20 anos com empresas como a Nissan e Mitsubishi. Foi enquanto trabalhava em um projeto de desenvolvimento de uma roda de liga de alumínio na Nissan, que Ron conheceu o famoso designer Larry Shinoda, cujos breves comentários sobre o projeto impressionaram Ron, com um olhar vivo e um gênio por conhecer a essência do estilo e função. Os dois compartilhavam uma paixão mútua por carros esportivos e se tornaram amigos. Nos últimos 15 anos, Ron tem conduzido um estúdio de cinema independente em Long Beach, Califórnia, escrevendo, produzindo e dirigindo programas para televisão a cabo. (Setembro de 2012)

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