Virtual Kodomo no Hi

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Community Event

Mai 20212 Mai 202130

Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington
1414 South Weller Street
Seattle, Washington, 98144
United States

Kodomo no Hi is going virtual this year! Kodomo no Hi, also known as Children’s Day Festival, and hosted by the Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington, is an annual event that encourages children and families to explore and learn about Japanese and Japanese American art, culture, history, food and music. The event is free and open to the public. We hope you can join us from the safety of your home at our “Virtual Kodomo no Hi, ” which will include a new video every Sunday at noon (PDT) during the month of May, Japanese cultural booklets, and an activity pack that are free to download!

The new kid-friendly, educational videos will be available on the JCCCW’s YouTube Channel. Viewers can learn about Japanese and Japanese American history and culture including Sumo wrestling, Japanese language through Onomatopoeia, soramimi (mishearing) and Japanese slang, as well as Nikkei history.

As a part of the program, we will also publish Japanese Spring Fun Book in April. In May, we will publish Japanese Summer Fun Book plus activity pack that includes templates for a game and craft making. These booklets and activity pack will all be free to download from our website, and in May we’ll open online ordering if people want  to get hard copies of the three Japanese Fun Books, Spring, Summer and Winter, plus the activity pack!

We encourage you to invite your friends and family from across the country and around the world! The event is FREE to join!



jcccwa . Atualizado em Abr 05, 2021 2:34 p.m.


Maio 2021


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