Screening: Tomu Uchida

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Film & Other Media

Out 201621

Museum of Modern Art
11 W 53rd St, New York, NY 10019
New York, New York, 10019
United States

An artful stylist and shrewd social critic, the Japanese filmmaker Tomu Uchida (1898–1970) left an illustrious body of work little seen or acknowledged outside his home country. Working within the Japanese studio system, he proved to be a dexterous, adaptable visionary comfortable at the helm of any production—from samurai films, thrillers, and literary adaptations to social satire and even a pseudo-Western set in Japan’s “Wild North” of Hokkaido. Uchida started making films during the silent period, found his career as a director interrupted by a decade spent in Manchuria at the end of WWII, and later returned to Japan to amass a rich and far-reaching body of work. This retrospective, the most extensive ever held outside Japan, includes 35mm prints of works from the early 1930s through the late 1960s, when Uchida’s films tracked monumental social and political changes in Japan with a cinematic flair that puts the director among legends like Masaki Kobayashi and Kihachi Okamoto.



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APA_Institute . Atualizado em Out 06, 2016 8:57 a.m.

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